conference on applied geophysics in mines

conference on applied geophysics in mines_Tehran 2024

The first conference on applied geophysics in mines will be held by the National Association of Geophysics of Iran on February 20-21, 2024. This conference provides a good opportunity to present the scientific and research achievements of professors,…

The XII Azerbaijan International Geophysical Conference

The Geophysics and Geology Department of SOCAR  and the National Committee of Geophysicists of Azerbaijan  (NCGA), will jointly hold the XII  Azerbaijan  International Geophysical Conference to commemorate the 100" anniversary of National…

The abstract submission deadline has been extended!

The abstract submission deadline has been extended! We are happy to announce that the abstract submission deadline for the 20th NIGS Conference has been extended to 22 Agusut 2022. You can read more about this on our conference website. Important…

The EGU General Assembly 2022

The EGU General Assembly 2022, taking place on 3-8 April, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a safe forum…
EAGE 2022

The 83rd EAGE Annual Conference

The 83rd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held in Madrid in June 2022. The EAGE is one of the leading global professional associations for Geoscientists and Engineers and the Annual Conference is a fantastic opportunity to connect…
بیستمین کنفرانس ژئوفیزیک ایران

the 20th Iranian Geophysics Conference

The 20th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 11th to 13th of October 2022 in Tehran. In order to develop scientific and technical opinions and present the latest scientific and research articles related to Earth and Space Physics, the Geophysical…

82nd EAGE Annual Conference

The 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition is the largest most comprehensive multi-disciplinary geoscience and engineering event in the world, consisting of a large conference and exhibition. The exhibition brings together emerging technologies,…

Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021

IAGA-IASPEI 3rd Joint Scientific Assembly 2021 & 13th ASC General Assembly 2021 Dear Colleagues, Please find attached a PDF document containing the decription of all IASPEI/ASC related Symposia planned for the forthcoming Assembly…